

“Welcome to the Ticket Broker Blog, your competitive advantage in the world of ticket resale”

The Best Side Hustle Idea

The Best Side Hustle Idea

Online there seems to be an endless lists of side hustles, but how can you really know what is truly the best side hustle from home? In this article I will explain to you why ticket reselling is the number one best side hustle idea you should be considering.What makes...

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The Best Credit Cards For Buying Entertainment Tickets

The Best Credit Cards For Buying Entertainment Tickets

When buying tickets you have the opportunity to maximize your cash back and travel rewards. This can help offset ticket costs and give you extra benefits during the ticket resale process. In this article we go over our reccomendations for the most efficient credit...

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Ticketflipping Team Presents – The Ticket Reselling Group

Ticketflipping Team Presents – The Ticket Reselling Group

As ticket brokers ourselves, our goal at Ticketflipping has always been simple: "Provide ticket brokers with the information they need at every step of the way." With that in mind, the short article below explains how our group got started, how to join, and what you...

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What are the best things to Buy and Sell for Profit?

What are the best things to Buy and Sell for Profit?

What makes the best things to buy and sell for profit? For us it comes to consistency and scalability. What can I buy to sell for profit that I know can provide a stable stream of profit, and that I can continue to grow over time? In this quick article I break down...

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Ticket Marketplace Payment Status

Ticket Marketplace Payment Status

As a result of the global pandemic, most ticket marketplaces have changed their payment timings to after the event has occurred. Payment timing is very important for ticket brokering because it directly impacts your cash flow as a reseller. This meant that brokers...

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What are the Easiest Things to Flip for Profit?

What are the Easiest Things to Flip for Profit?

Reselling or flipping is simple yet powerful business anyone can start up... But what are the easiest things to flip for profit? The best thing you can flip for money is what I am going to cover in this article! You'll learn the easiest items to flip, how to find...

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